Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Holy Ghost Strategy

You have been assigned to lead a new youth ministry. Where do you start?

The last few months I've had so many ideas, and I've had so many ideas suggested to me, about what I can do with the youth ministry next year. I could read this, watch that, talk to him, meet with her, set up this program, run this seminar, and so on, and on and on. When we start from scratch, there are so many options. We could do anything! So where should I begin?

I've been asking God for a strategy. I refuse to simply copy what the growing churches are doing, or to follow the recommendations of the latest book. I want a strategy that is from God, for our church, in our city, that addresses the needs of our community.

During the last week I've had phenomenal times with God, particularly during a local youth conference. And God has shown me clearly; begin with what is most important. Don't go running around wearing yourself out, start with the one thing you must have before any growth will happen.

That is, teach the young people to seek the face of God. We have about three to half a dozen young people associated with our church. The first thing I am going to do is teach them to pray, to cry out to God for our city. Why would we start with anything else? I believe God will grow the group simply by us seeking God and learning to live and minister in the power of the Holy Spirit.

When we have this happening, only then will we begin to develop strategies and programs to reach the young people. And I can tell you, these strategies will be spot on in terms of effectiveness and fruitfulness, because they have been given to us by God as we have committed to seeking his face.

“One thing I ask of the LORD,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple…
My heart says of you, "Seek his face!"
Your face, LORD, I will seek…
Teach me your way, O LORD;
lead me in a straight path…
be strong and take heart
and wait for the LORD.”

Psalm 27:4,8,11,14 (NIV).

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Rescue Me

What do women want? I think that deep within the heart of the average woman is the desire for a hero; a brave, dashing man who she could adore, who would sweep her off her feet with his love. This is the kind of man who would walk across broken glass for her, who would cherish and protect her, one who would call her beautiful and treat her accordingly.

And yet, most men we meet are pretty disappointing. Something has taken the dashing-ness out of today's man, instead, people want him to be tame. Many men do not treasure nor cherish the women in their life; they are more likely to use, abuse, or abandon them.

Did you know, however, that most women have missed their hero? A strong, brave man, who has gave up his life to win their heart? A man who tenderly cares for and empowers women to be all they can be? This man is Jesus! In Him I have discovered everything I need. He has rescued me from hell, and fights for me so that I can be all I was designed to be. His friendship and love never leave me. I am happy to serve him as my heavenly Master, and he graciously gives me all I need and more. Most of all, his love for me never ever dies, even when I let him down.

God calls men everywhere to imitate Jesus, which is what it means to be real hero. Men who are husbands, as well as those who are not, are called to be heroes to the women around them. They are called to represent and set an example of Christ to the women in their lives, and to treat them as Jesus treats them.

So, men, if you want a princess to rescue, look around you. Be a hero, just like Jesus, to the women in your life, and watch them be set free to be the beautiful, graceful, world-shaking women God has called them to be!