Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Light Dawns

I'm glad I haven't written here for a while; it probably would have been too depressing for you to read. So be thankful I spared you. :)

Well it wasn't quite that bad, but the last couple of months have been really challenging. Often I have felt like giving up; and even more times I have questioned my calling and my decision to come here.

Nevertheless, I hung on to the thread of hope I had left; that being my belief in the faithfulness of God. And God understood where I was at through it all. He knew when I was finding it difficult even to pray; when I found it hard to turn to him he was still there. He never changed.

Last night we had an awesome combined youth groups event - and for me it was like I could see the light at the end of the tunnel beginning to appear. The hard work we have been doing (I believe) is beginning to gather momentum. Thanks to God!

This community we are serving is growing in its significance to Victoria. I also believe that the Holy Spirit will do something awesome here that many have been praying for, for a long time.