Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Who Do You Represent?

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Colossians 3:17 TNIV

We find this mind-blowing statement within a section on how to live in harmony with our Christian brothers and sisters. I call it mind-blowing, because if I could truly live every day according to this statement, my life would be a much more powerful illustration of God's love than it is now.

What does it mean to do something in the name of Jesus? It can mean doing it in His authority, His power, committing the action to Him, doing it for His glory, and also what I wish to highlight; doing it as His representative. If a solicitor does something in the name of a client, they do what their client has instructed them to do; what they would want them to do, on their behalf. The New Living Translation puts it this way: "whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus".

Think about that: Everything we do, whether in words or actions, we are called to represent Jesus, doing what He would want us to do, doing what He himself would do if in our position. Paul writes "whatever you do"! As in, everything! Every word I say, therefore, and everything I do, should be done by me as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ (since we as Christians are his ambassadors, representatives of the Kingdom of God in the world).

The first things that come to my mind are the times when I have said or done things that have hurt others, or that have misrepresented who God is and what He is like. Every time I have not spoken in love and selflessness, I have done wrong to the name of the Kingdom of God. This Scripture is a reminder that people are watching everything I do, and so I must do my best (with the power of the Holy Spirit) to reflect the character of God. Returning to the theme of unity, the way I treat others must always be how Christ would want me to treat them; with love, patience, forgiveness, and grace.

But have you considered the flip side of "in His name"? As Christ's representatives, we are called (in response to God's leading) to take action in the world for the Kingdom of God. Partnering with God, we are called to make a change - and Jesus will work through us, transforming hearts, lives, families, communities, and nations. Being a Christian is not just about what we don't do, but it's about the good things that we also do, as we, following our God, become His vessel for making a difference in other people's lives. How exciting!

What can we do today in Jesus' name to make a difference? Perhaps today, in His name, we will share what we have with a needy person. Or perhaps we will show kindness in His name to someone who is hurting. Whatever it is, God is at work in the world. Will you join Him?

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