Monday, May 19, 2008

David's Secret

"The God of Israel spoke,
the Rock of Israel said to me:
'When one rules over people in righteousness,
when he rules in the fear of God,

he is like the light of morning at sunrise
on a cloudless morning,
like the brightness after rain
that brings grass from the earth.'"

2 Samuel 23:3-4 TNIV

Here David reveals his 'secret' to leading people in a way that pleases God: Lead in righteousness, and in the fear of God. It's very simple, but these two things should encompass all we do as leaders of God's people.

We should do what is right before God and before people. Not using people or the ministry to meet our own needs; living an upright moral life; being transparent and accountable; obeying God in every respect. And we should fear God - remembering that one day we will give an account to him for how we have acted as leaders, how we have treated those under our care.

What is the opposite of this verse? It would be to lead unrighteously, and to fear man rather than God.

The second one is the one that hit me. I must not live or lead in fear of people. What can man do to me? It is God's opinion of me that matters, not theirs. I am following his lead and his plan for my life, not theirs. People are important, but their opinion of me is not final. God has the final word on my life, and that means that I can take criticism, or even hurt, from others in my stride because above all, God loves me, and so long as I obey him in everything, I have his tick of approval on my leadership.

1 comment:

Luke Webb said...

Also a great post Rach.

The bit about ruling in the fear of God definitely sticks out - how easy it is to take the 2nd best decision because of fearing man. Some many political decisions seem to be driven by this.

The bit that also sticks out to me personally is also "When one rules over people in righteousness".

Doing the right thing by people, not being corrupt, self-serving or malicious. I guess many of us have seen and experienced examples when leadership was damaging, cruel and ungodly... and how in that case one does not sense:

"the light of morning at sunrise
on a cloudless morning,
like the brightness after rain
that brings grass from the earth"

That outcome that is described really seems to describe wholeness & life (the result of Godly authority). Its very visual, and something I hope that motivates me to lead in Godly fear & righteousness in the future.