My soul yearns, even faints,
for the courts of the LORD;
my heart and my flesh cry out
for the living God."
The enemy almost had me where he wants me. Thankfully, the Lord showed me before it was too late.
God showed me that in order to escape from problems I could not solve, I was disconnecting myself from some aspects of my calling. I wasn't giving up; but I was going cold.
God has shown me that I cannot lie down and let my passion die; I must stand. What kind of shepherd would allow his sheep to perish in drought or under attack? Neither should God's people give up on those with whom they have been entrusted to disciple.
Sometimes God gives us a discontentment with a situation because he also wants change. I think that is what is happening here.
I guess I just want more of God. I want it all to be about him, not about peripheral things. I'm sick of politics and performances. Lord, I just want you more!
And so - I must choose to persist in prayer, to ask the Lord for discernment, to keep loving and seeking God with all my heart. And I must not back away from what he has given me to do. I believe that although there may be difficulties now, God is working and the dreams he gave us will come to pass.
Thank you Lord, for saving me once again.
Help us to stand strong in your mighty power.
Thank you that you are with us to the very end.