Friday, April 18, 2008

Contempt for God and His Ministry?

"Eli's sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for the LORD... This sin of the young men was very great in the LORD's sight, for they were treating the LORD's offering with contempt."

1 Samuel 2:12, 17 (TNIV)

Here were two young men whose calling was to serve God as priests, and yet they had it all wrong. God ended up finishing them off, because they had taken their eyes off the Lord, and had become corrupt, to the extent of using their ministry to meet their own needs, treading God's people underfoot as they went.

Could it be that if we are not careful, we could also treat our ministry, or our gift from God, with contempt? This happens when our heart's desire is no longer the Lord and his glory, but our own needs and wants begin to take precedence. No longer are we passionate about partnering with God in fulfilling His mission on Earth, but we are focused on ourselves... promoting ourselves, securing our position, gaining the approval of people.

To those who use ministry for their own agenda, instead of God's agenda, learn a lesson from Eli's sons. No one is indispensable; just as God has given you your ministry and your position, he can take it away again. He desires leaders who are people after His own heart.

Never let it happen to me, Lord. If my focus has strayed, I repent and fix my eyes upon you and what you are doing here. Help me to be a leader after your own heart.

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