Monday, September 8, 2008

'Twas a Short Break

Just thought I'd write to let you all know I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. Things have just been quite busy lately - and to be frank, I've kind of lost the zeal for maintaining my online presence that I once had. Besides, so much has been happening in the 'real' world that I've had little time to think about my blog, forums, chatting, and so on.

Anyway here's a little update: Things in our youth group are going well. It was a challenge to pick things up after being overseas and having school holidays, but this last week I've been able to catch up with some young people I haven't seen for a while, which I was stoked about.

I've also got a job in a local nursing home; I really enjoy it actually, more than any other paid job I've had. It feels good to be able to save a bit for the future too; one of these days I'd like to be able to buy a house!

So I thank God for the past few months - there have been some crazy challenges and a few surprises on the way (not all of them pleasant), but I know God is working in this city. He is positioning people and linking us together in preparation for some great things that are going to happen here. One thing we should do:

"... Be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray."

1 Peter 4:7 TNIV

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