Wednesday, December 24, 2008

And so this is Christmas...

Well, it's Christmas. And over the last couple of weeks I have been reflecting on the year that has passed, and on the year that will come.

One thing I have realised is that although there are some difficult circumstances happening here, I must not allow these things and people to stop me from fulfilling what God has called me to do. No-one can take away what God has called me to do. I can't go beyond it; and the only one who can make me fall short of it is me.

And so, although there are some things that concern me about next year, and even though I couldn't exactly say I'm filled with passion for next year's tasks, I will keep pushing through to see my dreams come to pass. And when the task seems too big for me to do, I must remember that God himself is with me and will supply what I need both within and out of myself to do it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Light Dawns

I'm glad I haven't written here for a while; it probably would have been too depressing for you to read. So be thankful I spared you. :)

Well it wasn't quite that bad, but the last couple of months have been really challenging. Often I have felt like giving up; and even more times I have questioned my calling and my decision to come here.

Nevertheless, I hung on to the thread of hope I had left; that being my belief in the faithfulness of God. And God understood where I was at through it all. He knew when I was finding it difficult even to pray; when I found it hard to turn to him he was still there. He never changed.

Last night we had an awesome combined youth groups event - and for me it was like I could see the light at the end of the tunnel beginning to appear. The hard work we have been doing (I believe) is beginning to gather momentum. Thanks to God!

This community we are serving is growing in its significance to Victoria. I also believe that the Holy Spirit will do something awesome here that many have been praying for, for a long time.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Not Forgotten

"But Zion said, 'The LORD has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me.'

'Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget,
I will not forget you!

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands...'"

Isaiah 49:14-16

A woman who is expecting a baby lives nine months in eager anticipation. When the baby arrives, most of what she does revolves around it - caring for it, sustaining it, protecting it, loving it.

What a beautiful picture of God's love. Even though a mother may even forget her own child (as unlikely as that would be), God will not forget his children. He loves us so dearly, we are always on his mind.

Just like a little child, we can rest in his care; safe, secure and at peace because he is always near us.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Never is... Never

I've just started a new Bible study on what it means to live in Jesus. How seriously do we take Jesus' words when he said "I will never leave you"? In reality, most of us spend our days questioning that Jesus really is with us at all. I'm working through some scriptures on this topic, and will let you know what I find out.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Last Woman Standing

Last Sunday, as I headed down to PlanetShakers church for a relaxing and inspiring afternoon, I prayed. Lord, please give us a message that will encourage us today. And encourage us he did. The speaker was Pastor Brian Houston from Hillsong church, and he spoke about taking new ground and the challenges we face in the process.

The message meant a lot to us because although we are making progress, we are facing (and have faced) some pretty difficult challenges - some of these hitting very close to home. But it was confirmed to me through that message that I should just keep pushing on (to be the last woman standing, if you like), because great things are ahead. In the meantime God will help us as we grapple with some of these issues and to grow as a result.

Monday, September 8, 2008

'Twas a Short Break

Just thought I'd write to let you all know I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. Things have just been quite busy lately - and to be frank, I've kind of lost the zeal for maintaining my online presence that I once had. Besides, so much has been happening in the 'real' world that I've had little time to think about my blog, forums, chatting, and so on.

Anyway here's a little update: Things in our youth group are going well. It was a challenge to pick things up after being overseas and having school holidays, but this last week I've been able to catch up with some young people I haven't seen for a while, which I was stoked about.

I've also got a job in a local nursing home; I really enjoy it actually, more than any other paid job I've had. It feels good to be able to save a bit for the future too; one of these days I'd like to be able to buy a house!

So I thank God for the past few months - there have been some crazy challenges and a few surprises on the way (not all of them pleasant), but I know God is working in this city. He is positioning people and linking us together in preparation for some great things that are going to happen here. One thing we should do:

"... Be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray."

1 Peter 4:7 TNIV

Friday, July 11, 2008

Total Surrender

God has been continually bringing me to a place of surrender to Him. Sometimes it's hard to just let go, and give God our hopes, our dreams, our deepest desires for our life; but when we do, He is truly able to do miracles through us.

Instead of hanging on to these things, each day I must let go and allow God's love to fulfill me in every way. And it's true - when I simply love and give myself to God, I am the most fulfilled and content person I have ever been.

"But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things."
Philippians 3:7-8 TNIV

Monday, June 23, 2008

Simply Love, That is All

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest.

Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.

Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

God has been teaching and reminding me lately that life is simply about loving Him, every day, with all my heart. In all the busyness and demands of life, I've gotten tired and lost focus at times. But God keeps bringing me back to the central reason I exist: To love Him.

This is a very light burden to carry: Each day, to get up, and to determine in my heart to love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. Everything else I need to do will take care of itself as I seek Him, and rely on His grace to get me through each day.

It's so simple, isn't it!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Reflections on 1 Kings 18-19

Sometimes we're on top of things, we have great victories, we're confident and strong.

At other times, we've had enough and we may feel like giving up.

After his great victory over the prophets of Baal, in this passage we find Elijah sitting under a bush in the wilderness wishing he could just die.

What does the Lord do? He feeds him - he sustains him. God has not finished with the prophet yet.

Lord, I'm a human being like Elijah - sometimes I'm strong, other times I'm fed up. But in both times, you feed me. It is you who sustains me, whether I'm having victory after victory, or feeling crushed by those who want to destroy me.
Thank you that you stoop down to feed your little ones, us frail human beings. My food is to do your will.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sheep, Wolves & Lions

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your fellow believers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings."

1 Peter 5:6-9 TNIV

This Scripture was such an encouragement to me last night. There have been some challenges in the church lately, because we are really starting to move forward and people don't like change.
Our enemy, Satan, doesn't like the changes we're making either, because our aim is to reach those who are hurting, lonely, and don't know Jesus.

It is often a confusing time, because sometimes it's hard to pick the sheep from the wolves. They look so much like sheep, but this is merely clothing. Underneath, it has been revealed, there is a ravenous wolf wanting to snap people up with false doctrine and all sorts of destructive ideas. And yet, the disguise is so convincing! It never ceases to amaze me.

But we must stand firm. We must take care to discern good from evil.
We will emerge from this stronger, with a more unified and effective church - I declare it now.
God will build his church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Eleazar the Determined

"Next to him was Eleazar son of Dodai the Ahohite.
As one of the three mighty warriors, he was with David when they taunted the Philistines gathered at Pas Dammim for battle.
Then the Israelites retreated,
but Eleazar stood his ground and struck down the Philistines till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword.
The LORD brought about a great victory that day. The troops returned to Eleazar, but only to strip the dead."

2 Samuel 23:9-10

Eleazar is such a picture of perseverance. When the Israelite army retreated, he remained and struck down the Philistines that day - he kept going until his hand was cramped on to his sword!

We need more leaders like Eleazar, who have such fearless determination to do what God has called them to do that they will not quit, even in their thoughts.

Lord, help me to be a warrior in the Spirit like Eleazar.

Monday, May 19, 2008

David's Secret

"The God of Israel spoke,
the Rock of Israel said to me:
'When one rules over people in righteousness,
when he rules in the fear of God,

he is like the light of morning at sunrise
on a cloudless morning,
like the brightness after rain
that brings grass from the earth.'"

2 Samuel 23:3-4 TNIV

Here David reveals his 'secret' to leading people in a way that pleases God: Lead in righteousness, and in the fear of God. It's very simple, but these two things should encompass all we do as leaders of God's people.

We should do what is right before God and before people. Not using people or the ministry to meet our own needs; living an upright moral life; being transparent and accountable; obeying God in every respect. And we should fear God - remembering that one day we will give an account to him for how we have acted as leaders, how we have treated those under our care.

What is the opposite of this verse? It would be to lead unrighteously, and to fear man rather than God.

The second one is the one that hit me. I must not live or lead in fear of people. What can man do to me? It is God's opinion of me that matters, not theirs. I am following his lead and his plan for my life, not theirs. People are important, but their opinion of me is not final. God has the final word on my life, and that means that I can take criticism, or even hurt, from others in my stride because above all, God loves me, and so long as I obey him in everything, I have his tick of approval on my leadership.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Pour Me Out

I'm a little tea pot
Short and stout

Here is my handle;
Here is my spout

When I get all steamed up,
Then I shout!

Tip me over,
Pour me out.

Forgetting the part about getting all steamed up (I do not consider unrestrained anger as being compatible with ministry!), I don't think my current situation is dissimilar to that of the humble tea pot.

Here I am, Lord; use all of me. Today you stretched me by placing me in a ministry I didn't think I could do, but you did a bit of a miracle and used me for the benefit of your Church. I'm glad to be used by you, for your glory alone.

In a small church, it tends to be "all hands on deck", and today was no exception. We find ourselves serving in all kinds of ways; some we never thought we would venture into.

But God is good; despite what skills we think we do or don't have, all he wants us to do is trust and surrender to Him.

Any person, if they are willing clay in His hands, can help to build His Church; and that is a precious thing to God.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sow, and Keep on Sowing

"Whoever watches the wind will not plant;
whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.

As you do not know the path of the wind,
or how the body is formed in a mother's womb,
so you cannot understand the work of God,
the Maker of all things.

Sow your seed in the morning,
And at evening let your hands not be idle,
For you do not know which will succeed,
whether this or that,
or whether both will do equally well."

Ecclesiastes 11:4-6

I learned something from this passage today that I really needed to get into my spirit. At the Uni study group we discussed the idea that a farmer who is always concerned about the wind or weather may not plant or harvest at all, but those who diligently sow seed have a much greater chance of harvest. In the end, the outcome of their work is in the hands of God, because though they may plant the seed, He is the one who causes it to grow.

I was thinking that it is the same when we serve God. God has given us gifts, talents and ministries (the seed). We should diligently keep on serving Him as He leads and guides us. It also means that we should take courage and serve, not holding back because of fear of failure (ie. not looking at the clouds or the wind). Sometimes the outcome will be good; other times we may feel as though we have failed, or are still waiting for the results, even though we have tried our best.

But as long as we are diligently serving God, doing what He has asked us to do, listening for His instructions, we can be satisfied, because the outcome rests with Him. Fruit will come; and when it does, all of the honour and glory goes to Him alone, because it is not by our hard work that the fruit comes (although our service is an important ingredient); but He alone brings the harvest.

So keep on sowing!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Silence in the City

During our study of the book of Ecclesiastes, the group I'm part of at the Uni reflected on the idea that many words can end up being just meaningless. I began thinking that I would like to be able to speak less, but in doing so, say a whole lot more. Besides, if my mouth speaks evil, I am better off not speaking at all.

I spent last weekend in Melbourne, and amidst the hustle-and-bustle of city life, I took pictures of things that don't make noise. I also enjoyed a soothing time of silence in a busy shopping center, just watching the people go by.

To me, these pictures are testaments to the fact that even in immense noise, one can find silence if they take the time to seek it... They are also a reminder that you don't have to make a lot of noise to be important in someone else's day.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Contempt for God and His Ministry?

"Eli's sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for the LORD... This sin of the young men was very great in the LORD's sight, for they were treating the LORD's offering with contempt."

1 Samuel 2:12, 17 (TNIV)

Here were two young men whose calling was to serve God as priests, and yet they had it all wrong. God ended up finishing them off, because they had taken their eyes off the Lord, and had become corrupt, to the extent of using their ministry to meet their own needs, treading God's people underfoot as they went.

Could it be that if we are not careful, we could also treat our ministry, or our gift from God, with contempt? This happens when our heart's desire is no longer the Lord and his glory, but our own needs and wants begin to take precedence. No longer are we passionate about partnering with God in fulfilling His mission on Earth, but we are focused on ourselves... promoting ourselves, securing our position, gaining the approval of people.

To those who use ministry for their own agenda, instead of God's agenda, learn a lesson from Eli's sons. No one is indispensable; just as God has given you your ministry and your position, he can take it away again. He desires leaders who are people after His own heart.

Never let it happen to me, Lord. If my focus has strayed, I repent and fix my eyes upon you and what you are doing here. Help me to be a leader after your own heart.

Monday, April 14, 2008


I have become aware of a few health issues for myself that I need to take care of in order to better look after my body and to improve my overall well-being. First of all, I have decided to give up caffeine (all of my friends who are reading this will fall off their chairs in shock, but it is true); I feel I am too dependent on it, and it is annoying to be falling asleep all the time when I can't get access to a cuppa. So it's herbal teas for me, and lots of fresh water from now on!

Secondly, I need to learn how to have a day off. I tend to stay around the house on my days off, which doesn't work because I just end up doing work-related things out of boredom. So today I'm heading off to a local lake to go fishing and read some books. It's going to be great! I'm also learning to smile a lot more, to push myself a bit harder when exercising, and above all, focus on Jesus and not on my problems and needs. When I focus my attention on the Lord, all else just falls away and I know the future has promise.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I have been praying for a turnaround in our home group... and thanks to God, it came last night. We had a really good discussion, and are meeting some really cool new people.

We are seeing the wonderful things that happen when the Holy Spirit does the work. I have given up long ago the idea of trying to achieve spiritual results in human strength... One doesn't get very far. But when the Holy Spirit is given full control, amazing things happen, more amazing things than we could ever dream up ourselves.

Thank you Lord, that you are drawing people to yourself in this place. You are changing lives; you are revealing yourself to people as the God who loves them and has a great purpose for their life. Continue to use my life, Lord, as you want to... to show who you are to this world.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Refreshed, Recharged

I experienced today what it means to be refreshed by the family of God. I was feeling a little strained by everything, and began to realise that I really need to spend time with people my own age, rather than just working all the time and having little casual social contact. You don't realise how important that is until you don't have it any more.

This evening, then, was an answer to prayer - I went to visit a Christian group that meets at the local University. They were such a warm, welcoming group, and I felt instantly at home. I was encouraged too by the Bible study (we are reading through Ecclesiastes). As I drove home, I could have cried for joy, because God has provided exactly what I needed. He is so good. Thank you Lord.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Carry Me

"I have cared for you since you were born.
Yes, I carried you before you were born.

I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age.
I made you, and I will care for you.

I will carry you along and save you."

Isaiah 46:3-4 NLT

After several weeks of working pretty much flat out, I've begun to feel a little weary and discouraged. But the Lord reminded me today that He has sustained me for my entire life - through all sorts of good and bad experiences. He has been my strength through it all - and He will continue to carry me through my whole life, until I take my very last breath.

It is He, no one else and nothing else, who sustains me. He is like my food and drink; He is my confidence, my inspiration, my faith, my courage. I pray that I will be able to follow the example of Jesus, who kept persevering, even on the cross. Diligence is an important ingredient for fruitfulness.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." (Galatians 6:9 TNIV).

Thursday, March 27, 2008


This week I met with the local youth leaders, and (I praise God for this), out of that grew a local youth leaders' group. We are going to meet regularly to pray and encourage each other, and are considering a range of possibilities including combined events, networking with other parachurch organisations, and having a regular prayer newsletter for local youth ministries.

I have been so encouraged by the unity that God has given us, and by all that is beginning to happen. Thank you God - I begin to sense the momentum that comes when the Holy Spirit breathes on our efforts as we seek God and obey His direction.

God is great!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Let Him Flow

"Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them."

John 7:38 TNIV

Last Saturday I went to a worship workshop. I got so much out of it particularly from one discussion we had about this Scripture.

So often we try to strive to make things happen - but the speaker was saying we just need to let God flow through us. We need to get rid of stuff in our lives that block the flow of the Spirit through us - for example, bitterness, fear, and so on, and just allow Him to do what He wants through us.

Sounds so much easier than trying to make it happen myself!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


"How Good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!".

Psalm 133:1

I once heard Rob Bradbury from PlanetShakers say that unity is the Holy Spirit's favourite cologne. The Holy Spirit is attracted to the sweet smell of God's children being united as one, and so when he smells unity, He comes and pours His blessing on them.

That's not a bad picture of the manifold benefit there is in living in harmony with other Christians, but not only that, actively working together in unity, encouraging each other, building one another up, spurring one another on to do good things.

This week I've been working on connecting with Christians in other churches. I had a very encouraging discussion last night with one of the other local youth leaders - she is such a nice person and we had a lot in common, since both of us have just taken up our roles, both have just moved to this town, and both have relatively small youth groups to begin with. We intend to gather the local youth leaders for a prayer & encouragement meeting within the next couple of weeks.

I have also managed to contact the leader of the Christian group at the nearby university. I'll be visiting them some time soon to meet them and see what they do, and to see if there's any way we can support them.

Thank you Lord, for placing others around me, that we can support each other, and work together to see great things happen in this city. I thank you that love comes from you; and you have poured your love into our hearts so that we can share that super-natural love with others. Let nothing divide us, Lord; let nothing hold us back from doing the great things you have called us to do.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


"For the Lord Almighty has purposed,
and who can thwart him?"

Isaiah 14:27

I thank God that no-one can stop what He has planned; least of all me.

Things have been a little tough in the past week; various challenges and loneliness have threatened to shut me down. Yet while I was floundering, God was at work, as he picked me up and set me back on the course He has for me. I am so thankful that I serve the God who gives up on nobody; who in all things works for the good of those who love Him.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Battle Lines Are Drawn

Now that things are beginning to happen with our youth ministry, I am beginning to see just what sort of battle we will have here. It seems that there are a lot of people who have been hurt and/or alienated from the Church. Sadly, many of these have found ways to go on with their lives, perhaps still having some belief in God, but being separated from the bigger family of God.

Along with that, I think there is a reluctance in some people to trust the Church again, or perhaps a reluctance to commit themselves once again for fear of being hurt. I am also dealing with a whole generation of young people for whom church has seemed irrelevant. Gathering these young people together is going to be (and has already proved) a challenge. I will have to ask God how to care for these people in the best way; how to help them to seek Him for healing from all of their wounds, emotionally, spiritually.

It is just as well I'm not doing this on my own. I'm serving a great big God. He is leading me as to how to go about this task, and He will give me the strength and courage to complete what He has called me to do. Bit by bit, day by day, this vision He has given me will come to pass. And I'll be gladly able to say, in perhaps twelve months time or later, that God alone has done it, because I could never do it on my own.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Process

We have been here for nearly three weeks now, and it is beginning to feel like home. How do I know I've settled in? Because I visited my old town last week (it was good to see my friends again), but when I came back here it felt like coming home. And now that we have a couch to sit on (was delivered yesterday), I can finally relax.

And yet, I have so much work to do! For some reason, I thought that starting in a new town would entail a few weeks (at least) of not too many commitments. But I was wrong! Starting up a new youth ministry sure takes a lot of hard work. But I'm enjoying every minute of it.

I thought it would be good to record what I'm doing in the process of getting this thing set up - so that at least I (and perhaps you) can look back if we ever wish to know once more what is involved in starting a youth ministry from scratch. The process I've basically followed so far has first of all involved seeking God absolutely every day as to what He wants me to do. I will not do this task on my own understanding or strength; I must hear the voice of God, otherwise I will simply slip back into doing what I have always done, from what I already know (which would be bad).

As I have sought to hear from God and obey Him, I have been working on gathering together some young people from a list of contacts my pastor gave me. The list is about fifteen people long; I have discovered that probably about ten of those are actually solid contacts. I think it is a good number to begin with.

I organised a couple of low-stress social events during February and March - we had a coffee night at a local cafe the week after I came, and will go Go-Karting in a few weeks' time. Apart from these, a few combined-churches events are happening that I will encourage the young people to be a part of. This Friday we will start up a youth home group which will facilitate fellowship, discipleship and outreach. In all of this, I hope to see unity and vision grow within the group, and to see the young people become more committed to their local church. My focus for the moment is on mentoring and discipling this group, from which will emerge future youth leaders, and from which we will begin to outreach into the community.

Importantly, in the last week I took the time to write out our vision for the youth ministry, and to present this to the church leaders. I have a 2-3 page document that details our specific goals and direction, and will be a great basis for me to work from as we begin to set the culture of the group and begin to form partnerships with others in fulfilling our vision.

It's all very exciting - God is beginning to draw people together and into the church, and I know that great things are going to happen in the future. Importantly, I remind myself and others that God is going to do amazing things, that peoples' lives will be changed, and that we must not limit our vision to our own understanding. We serve a great big God, who loves us, and desires to do great things through us. And He will!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Here I am

We have finally, after what seemed like an eternity, arrived in our new house, and have begun to settle in. It's been a week now, and I have to say, I find this a wonderful place to live. The beach is only an hour away, and the mountains even less.

On the flip side, I have felt challenged personally throughout the transition time in many ways - the enemy has especially tried to attack me in the area of the mind - in the area of fear, narrow-thinking, and so on. But it has been a time where I have felt so close to God - more than ever, because He has been my hiding place in this time. I have left friends and familiar things behind, but have been able to cling on to my God, who is with me wherever I go.

Things are beginning to move along now; I'm currently working on getting to know all the young people on our contact list, and starting up a small group to facilitate discipleship and leadership development in the group.

God has reminded me of this Scripture through three separate sermons in the last few weeks:

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..."

Ephesians 3:20 TNIV

I'm excited, because we serve the God of Immeasurably More - and He is going to do amazing things here. I can't let the enemy contain me - and I must not think small. Because at work within me (and you), is the God who created the whole universe. What he can do through us when we give our days to Him, is literally without limit!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Who Do You Represent?

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Colossians 3:17 TNIV

We find this mind-blowing statement within a section on how to live in harmony with our Christian brothers and sisters. I call it mind-blowing, because if I could truly live every day according to this statement, my life would be a much more powerful illustration of God's love than it is now.

What does it mean to do something in the name of Jesus? It can mean doing it in His authority, His power, committing the action to Him, doing it for His glory, and also what I wish to highlight; doing it as His representative. If a solicitor does something in the name of a client, they do what their client has instructed them to do; what they would want them to do, on their behalf. The New Living Translation puts it this way: "whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus".

Think about that: Everything we do, whether in words or actions, we are called to represent Jesus, doing what He would want us to do, doing what He himself would do if in our position. Paul writes "whatever you do"! As in, everything! Every word I say, therefore, and everything I do, should be done by me as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ (since we as Christians are his ambassadors, representatives of the Kingdom of God in the world).

The first things that come to my mind are the times when I have said or done things that have hurt others, or that have misrepresented who God is and what He is like. Every time I have not spoken in love and selflessness, I have done wrong to the name of the Kingdom of God. This Scripture is a reminder that people are watching everything I do, and so I must do my best (with the power of the Holy Spirit) to reflect the character of God. Returning to the theme of unity, the way I treat others must always be how Christ would want me to treat them; with love, patience, forgiveness, and grace.

But have you considered the flip side of "in His name"? As Christ's representatives, we are called (in response to God's leading) to take action in the world for the Kingdom of God. Partnering with God, we are called to make a change - and Jesus will work through us, transforming hearts, lives, families, communities, and nations. Being a Christian is not just about what we don't do, but it's about the good things that we also do, as we, following our God, become His vessel for making a difference in other people's lives. How exciting!

What can we do today in Jesus' name to make a difference? Perhaps today, in His name, we will share what we have with a needy person. Or perhaps we will show kindness in His name to someone who is hurting. Whatever it is, God is at work in the world. Will you join Him?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Lighten the Load

"But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him..."

Philippians 3:7-9 TNIV

I've had this Scripture going around in my head for days. Paul incorporates so many powerful metaphors into his discussion about becoming right with God through faith in Christ, and not through human effort.

One is a financial metaphor - whatever he thought would profit him before (such as his status as a Pharisee, his Jewish lineage, his good effort, and so on), he now considers a loss. They cannot put him right with God; they do in fact restrict a person's freedom if the person puts their trust in them.

Another is a rubbish metaphor - that compared to the greatness of knowing Christ, everything else is worthless trash, to be thrown out. Almost like a ship that is weighed down with unneeded or useless cargo, these things must be thrown overboard if we are to truly be found in Christ.

This gets me thinking. Have I truly lost all things for the sake of Christ? Or do I still put too much value on my good reputation, my giftings, my skills, or others' opinions? Because truly denying oneself to follow Christ means that we throw everything overboard to take hold of Christ and be saved through Him alone; no thing nor person is as important to us as Jesus.

With this in mind, if I truly consider all things rubbish compared to knowing Christ, then I will use my gifts differently. If I preach, it is to serve the church, not to prove that I am highly gifted or to make myself look good. If I teach, it is to help others to understand the Word of God better, not to show how much I know.

If others criticize me as I serve the body of Christ, or if I feel unappreciated, I let bitterness and resentment die at the cross of Christ, because I am serving him, and the praises of man mean nothing to me.

What a challenge! What do I need to 'throw overboard' today in order to trust in Christ alone?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mission Accomplished

I have spent the last two weeks helping to run a kids' holiday outreach program as part of a team of roughly 25 people. It was exhausting for one as 'old' as myself, but it was highly enjoyable and well worth the effort.

Some really amazing things happened - God was working powerfully in the lives of the children and families we met at the program. At least two unsaved families decided they would like to join a church, and many children decided they would like to become friends with Jesus. Quite a few kids asked for Bibles and loved reading them (it was so good to see kids excited about reading the Word of God). We saw God change the hearts of many people, including ourselves, bringing such joy and peace in the midst of some difficult life circumstances.

I personally was very happy with the growth I saw in the team members. Not only did they grow in their ability to share their faith with others, but also in their love for and intimacy with God.

I'm dead tired today, but very satisfied and overjoyed at what has happened.